Archibald Garrod |
Archibald Edward Garrod (1857 - 1936) English physician, son of
Alfred Garrod, who pioneered the study of
inborn errors of metabolism. From the study of patients with
alkaptonuria, he came to the conclusion that certain mysterious diseases can be inherited through successive generation of families according to Mendelian laws. In 1908, he wrote a famous book (which he expanded in 1923),
Inborn Errors of Metabolism, where he described four disorders (
Garrod's tetrad)
pentosuria, and
albinism, all caused by an inherited defect in certain metabolic pathways. He also formulated the
"one gene, one enzyme" hypothesis and described the recessive nature of most inherited enzyme defects. His daughter,
Dorothy Garrod, was a pioneering archeologist, famed for her work on the Paleolithic period.